Sweet and Sour Meat Balls

Sweet and sour Meat balls


1 lb ground beef
2 pcs. Carrots chopped into small cubes ( one sliced diagonally )
2 head onion chopped  ( half is for sautéing )
12 cloves garlic minced ( half is for sautéing )
¼ cup flour
2 eggs beaten
Salt and pepper to taste
¼ cup sugar
Oil for frying


In a bowl mix the  ground beef with onion, garlic, carrots cubes, eggs , flour and salt and pepper. Mix it well until consistency is dough like. Scoop a mixture for about a spoonful and roll it into your hands. ( Tip : put some flour into your palm so the mixture will not stick to your hands ) . When you rolled everything  prepare your deep fryer. Fry them until golden brown.

Next steps:

In a separate pan put about 2 tbsp of oil and sauté onion and garlic. Add the half of the carrots ( diagonal slices ) and stir fry them. Add the meat balls and tomato sauce together with pineapple with the syrup. Simmer for about 10 mins. Until the sour taste is cooked. Add some sugar to even out the sourness. Then finally when sauce is thicken add salt and pepper to taste. Then serve.

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